United Nations Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva, November 25 - 27, 2024
- 2024-11-27
- 33
Dr Marie-Camille Pitton, Secretary-General of the CARO Center, attended the United Nations Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights held in Geneva at the Palais des Nations from November 25 to 27, 2024.
Created in 2011, the Forum is the largest annual gathering in the world on this topic, under the auspices of the Working Group on Business and Human Rights, in accordance with Human Rights Council resolutions 17/4 and 53/3.
The Forum brought together over 2,000 participants from governments, businesses, community groups and civil society, law firms, investor organizations, UN bodies, trade unions, universities, and research centers.
During the three days, more than sixty events took place on topics at the intersection between business activity and the protection of human rights around the world.
Among the numerous panels and events over these three days, the following discussions highlighted the insufficient stakeholder engagement in the context of business activities, including:
- The inadequate protection of workers involved in supply chains in the textile industry;
- The persistence of child labor in agriculture;
- Land grabbing, which is a practice still too common in the context of the development of renewable energy, particularly in photovoltaics;
- The lack of access to energy for communities neighboring renewable projects, even though they suffer from the implementation of these projects in their immediate environment.
The CARO Center is the first center offering mediation services involving stakeholders in the context of the initiation and implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects. These three days thus allowed exchanges with professionals from diverse backgrounds and the promotion of these innovative solutions offered by the Center.
For the complete program of this event: https://forumbhr2024.sched.com
For further information, contact: secretariat@carohadac.org.