

CARO Centre takes part in the “Journées de l'amiable” (The out-of-court settlements days) in Martinique

  • 2024-01-16
  • 2010

The CARO Centre took part in the first edition of the Journées de l'amiable in Martinique, an event organized by the French Ministry of Justice, the Conseil Départemental de l'Accès au Droit (the Access to Justice Departmental Council) and the Martinique Bar Association.

The aim of these two days was to showcase the alternative dispute resolution methods available, and more specifically mediation, in the form of exhibitions, round tables and discussions.

The event featured three round-table discussions over two days:


The event brought together:

  • Ms Karine GONNET, President of the Fort-de-France Judicial Court and the Martinique CDAD.
  • Me Georges-Emmanuel GERMANY, President of the Martinique Bar Association.
  • Mr Laurent SABATIER, First President of the Fort-de-France Court of Appeal (absent)
  • Me Romain CARAYOL, member of the Paris Bar, ambassador for amicable settlement
  • Ms Solène BALAGUETTE, legal expert at CARO (OHADAC Regional Arbitration Centre) presented International and Commercial Arbitration and introduced CARO's mediation services.
  • Me Sandrine RAGALD-SAINT-AIMÉ, Vice-Bâtonnier (Vice-President of the Bar Association), spoke on “La conciliation prud'homale” (Employee Claims Conciliation).
  • Mr Georges-Emmanuel GERMANY, Bâtonnier (President of the Bar Association), led the discussion on social mediation.
  • Ms Karima ZOUAOUI discussed mediation injunctions, caesura and participative proceedings.
  • Ms Caroline PODEVIN, 1st Vice-President of the Fort-de-France Judicial Court, gave a presentation on the practice of family mediation by family court judges.
  • Mr Sébastien TRIPET, notary in Martinique, presented the amicable settlement of inheritance matters.
  • Ms Danielle MARCELINE, Barristers President, presented the role of the GIP (Public Interest Grouping) on Inheritance Indivision in the settlement of estates.
  • Ms Murielle YUNG-HING, technical advisor at the CAF of Martinique, discussed the role of the CAF in the use of family mediation.
  • Ms Laurence HUNEL OZIER-LAFONTAINE, Barristers President, presented the APMF's role in family disputes through mediation.
  • Mr Erik VALERE, president of UDAF, presented the UDAF, an entity at the heart of family mediation.
  • Ms Danielle SALDUCCI, spoke of the trial caesura and the implementation of the ARA (Amicable Settlement Hearing).
  • Ms Karine GONNET, publicized the out-of-court settlement conference in Canada.
  • Mr Philippe BERTRAND, presented the practice of mediation in civil litigation.

The event was an opportunity to highlight the Centre CARO's mediation and arbitration services, two key tools in the business world (negotiation, contracts, labour and commercial law). The presentation served as a reminder of the importance of including mediation and arbitration clauses, as well as the use of mediation as a means of conflict prevention.

To find out more about the Martinique Bar Association:

To find out more about Centre CARO's services and arbitration and mediation clauses:

The OHADAC project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the auspices of the INTERREG CARAÏBES programme
Interreg Caraïbe
Union Européenne
CCI des iles de Guadeloupe
ACP Legal